Hair Spot

9350 Yonge St, Richmond Hill, ON L4C 5G2



Hair Spot

9350 Yonge St, Richmond Hill, ON L4C 5G2

+1 905-884-0744

Beauty salon Hair care Point of interest Establishment


"per primera vegada aquí, em van portar a l'últim minut com a visitant. Vaig tenir un esdeveniment per assistir en 2 hores. La Heidi em va donar un rentat, un tall i un estil. Ella em va donar exactament el que volia. Preu bo i assequible. Preciós tall i bufat. Tornarà."

"I booked an app here after waiting too long between haircuts. I had tons of dead ends and always hated the whole hair cut experience. To my surprise I was assigned a gentleman. I never had a male hairdresser before and was a little nervous to be honest (I am a female, not like it should matter). Ended up being the best hair cut experience I ever had. I got Mike (I think his name was?) and he didn’t talk too much just the right amount, was funny, and put in extra effort with my blow dry because I said I had an important in-law event the next day. He was awesome, I loved my cut, and it was a very pleasant experience. Will definitely go back to him specifically again. He is very talented and makes you feel comfortable."

Trbet Giriş 1xbet Giriş

Opening Hours

dilluns: 10:00–21:00
dimarts: 10:00–21:00
dimecres: 10:00–21:00
dijous: 10:00–21:00
divendres: 10:00–21:00
dissabte: 9:30–21:00
diumenge: 11:00–19:00

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